I used to see lots of girls wearing troll beads charm bracelets, but now I hardly see them being worn anymore. Are they still in style?
Well I don't see anyone wearing them anymore... I got one for my 10th b-day and used to wear it all the time, but I eventually stopped...That doesn't mean you have to stop wearing yours too, though. Wear anything you want, you cares what other people think? Maybe you'll be the one to bring it back in style!
They don't have to be in style for you to wear them. Maybe no one is wearing them anymore. Start wearing yours and bring it back in style. I guess I was never in to them I seen many teachers wear them some kids wear them that are in middle school.
I think it kind of depends on what the troll beads stands for. If it's something you've had for years that you've been adding to or a gift with some sort of sentimental value it's not tacky at all. I think it also depends on what charms you put on it.
I personally love them! If you get each troll beads from a different country, it helps you keep that memory for example trip to Hawaii, Phukett or even Sipadan Islands.
If it’s a beautiful troll beads charm bracelet, I think it’s a good idea.
In general, I think jewelry isn't a bad idea for gifts, but if it’s going to be a milestone occasion like 16th,18th or 21th birthday, you should look for a nice classy one, and wrap it up in nice packaging, with a well thought of note/card since you and her are very close. For my 16th birthday, my then best friend gave me this necklace, it looks like one the kind a young princess would wear, and I loved it.
I think that is a lovely idea especially as your friend likes Jewelry and your 21st is special, so receiving something special is lovely.
Another thought is, it depends on the person. Does she wear jewelry a lot? Does she appreciate little things, or is she more into other stuff? Does she like clothes, money or music?
I love them, and i think their adorable. If they did though, they'll be back in style within the next year. Their classic, and hey, maybe you could even bring troll beads back into style. They are one of those timeless treasures.
Is a troll beads considered old-fashioned or unsuitable gifts for girlfriends? I think they are quite a thoughtful gift - especially if you choose the charms carefully to build up a "picture" of your girlfriend's life - e.g. beads that symbolize where she comes from, has lived, her work, her interests, her achievements etc. Read More......